Instruction for submission |
Paper submission |
Important dates
- Deadline of full length paper submission:
Mar. 15, 2011 -> Apr. 1, 2011
The deadline of paper submission is changed to review the submitted papers.
All submitted papers are reviewed and will be considered for Best Paper
In addition, excellent papers are recommended to be published in:
1. Journal of Visualization
2. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing
Mar. 15: Full length paper submission
Mar. 25: Notice of Acceptance
Mar. 31: Deadline of early registration
Your anticipated assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Specification of paper
The full length paper should be prepared in accordance with following templates.
The acceptable length of the full length paper is
Oral presentation: 4 to 8 pages
Poster presentation: 2 to 4 pages
PDF or WORD format can be acceptable
The full length paper should be named:
[Abstract ID]_[First Author's Name].pdf
example Abstract ID: ASV11-01-01
-> ASV11-01-01_yamagata.doc
ID: ASV11-po-99 -> ASV11-po-99_yamagata.doc |
Paper submission |
The full length paper must be submitted through the following webpage.
If you encounter any difficulties in submitting your abstract, please contact:
vrc eng.niigata-u.ac.jp |
Abstract Submission |
Important dates
- Oral presentation:
Dec. 15th, 2010 -> Dec. 29th, 2010 -> Jan. 15, 2011
- Poster presentation: Jan. 15, 2011
Specification of Abstract |
The abstract should be prepared in accordance with following templates. |
The PDF file of the WORD file can be acceptable.
The abstract should be named:
- [OS number]_[First Author's Name]_[First Author's Surname].pdf
- example 99_Takayuki_Yamagata.pdf
- Session Organizers
- 01 Combustion Phenomena and Engine
- 02 Optical Measurement
- 03 Multiphase Flow
- 04 Heat Transfer and Turbulent Flow
- 05 Civil and Coastal Engineering
- 06 Wind Engineering and Architecture
- 07 Scientific Art, Sports Science and Numerical
- 08 Visual Information and Analysis
- 09 Bio Fluid and Life Science
- 10 Nano and Micro Fluid
- 11 Aeronautics and High Speed Flow
- 12 Acoustics and Industrial Aerodynamics
- 13 Safety Management Technology
- 14 Turbomachinary
- 15 Shock Wave and Plasma Aerodynamics
- 16 Fluid Control and Measurement
- 99 General Topics of Visualization
- po Poster Session (includes 3 minutes short presentation)
How to modify the information on registration.
- Access to the following website with your user ID and Password.
- https://gakka569.securesites.net/unified/asv11/registration_form.php
- Reinput your information, then press submit button to update your information.
- Note that actual registration will start on February, so items of "registration type", "Banquette ticket" and "Technical tour" are still tentative.
Instructions |
Guide to the abstract / paper submission |
Guide to the abstract / paper submission
STEP1 Pre-Registration |
The Pre-Registration makes user ID and Password to submit an abstract and
a paper.
Please fill out the following information. Then, click the"Pre-Registration"button.
*Name and E-mail address are required information.
E-mail address becomes your login ID.
When the Pre-Registration is completed, confirmation e-mail will be sent.
Please confirm your login ID and password. |
STEP2 Submission of the abstract |
Please go to submission page from following address.
Login your User page by using the login ID and password.
In your User page, please specify your abstract file. Then click "Submit"
Note that the information of your abstract will not be updated until you
press the button.
When the abstract submission succeeded, confirmation e-mail will be sent. |